Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Baby Bliss!

It's been too long since I last made a blog post, but what better way to start it up again than with the news of the arrival of a baby due October 30th, 2011! Of course we are excited beyond words and I'm counting all my blessings for this opportunity to experience motherhood to its fullest.

I confirmed I was pregnant on February 23rd, 2011 but had my suspicions that I was pregnant days before. At this point I was already 5 weeks pregnant.

At 12 weeks we got the first picture of our baby (whom I was affectionately calling Poppet). And this is our babies profile, arms in the air above the head and apparently very active.

Finally at 19 weeks and 2 days we got to find out if our baby was a boy or a girl...and what a surprise for me, snakes and snails and puppy dog tails, it's a BOY!

Everyone, except a few people, told me they thought I was having a boy. But deep down I was thinking girl. Perhaps this had something to do with the fact that the last four children born in my family have all been girls (Hayley, Hannah, Beatrix, and Charlotte). Nonetheless we are thrilled to be having a baby boy and can't wait to meet our little man.

We also got a 3D ultrasound at 19 weeks and 2 days. His head is slightly tilted to his left. Both of his hands are in a fist and he appears to be sucking on them. Sweetness.

As for baby names, the only name we had come up with was for a boy. We had been throwing around girl names, but we were not set on any of them. A few days after finding out we were having a boy we went ahead and finalized our name...

Of course I couldn't wait to get his name monogrammed on something, so I ordered a pillow slipcover from Etsy monogrammed with his name and birth year.

Yes, this pillow was really meant for the last name of a family and the year the family moved into their house but I figured I could use it to establish the year Sebastian entered our lives.

Here I am with Nathan, Isabella, and Sebastian's ultrasound photos. Before the ultrasound technician told us what we were having, Nathan's guess was a girl and Bella's was a boy. When the technician said boy, Nathan said he wanted to change his guess to boy. He certainly didn't want to lose that one to his sister.

We have four more seemingly long months until Sebastian joins us and I'm already anxious for his arrival. Until then, I'm filling my free time getting prepared for this little bundle of joy.


  1. Hooray for a Halloween Baby! I hope ours pops out on the 4th of July :) Easy to remember those birthdays right?!


  2. Yes Travis! Hoping for a 4th of July baby for you, but not sure I can wait until Halloween for Sebastian. Like Sheri, I was hoping to be able to deliver him a week early. ;-)
